The State Duma adopted the bill banning the adoption of children by citizens of those countries where gender reassignment is permitted

“The ban to adopt children and send them to these countries where gender reassignment is legal is an important decision aimed at protecting childhood and traditional values,” emphasized Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin
State Duma children

Members of the State Duma adopted a bill banning the adoption of children from the Russian Federation by citizens of those countries where gender reassignment is permitted in the first reading at a plenary meeting.

“This decision is aimed at protecting childhood and traditional values. The absolute majority of State Duma deputies supported the adoption of this initiative. It is necessary to protect our children from the threats they may face when they are adopted or under guardianship by citizens of foreign countries where gender reassignment is legal,” said the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)

According to him, the ban on adoption or guardianship of children from Russia will affect citizens of several dozen countries. “Earlier, we have already adopted laws banning the propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations, pedophilia, and gender reassignment,” recalled Vyacheslav Volodin.