Alexander Zhukov held a meeting with Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of Indonesia Adies Kadir

They discussed further strengthening of inter-parliamentary cooperation
Meeting of First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov and Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir

On Wednesday, September 18, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov Zhukov Alexander Dmitrievich Zhukov
Alexander Dmitrievich
held a meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir.

Alexander Zhukov emphasized that Russia and Indonesia had a very rich historical experience of diverse mutually beneficial cooperation. “For many decades, our country has provided great assistance to friendly Indonesia, contributed to its socio-economic development, and strengthened national security. Now the task has been set to bring our bilateral relations to the level of strategic partnership,” he said.

The First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma noted that the tone of joint cooperation at all levels was set by the presidents of the two countries. In addition, he recalled that in June 2024, during a meeting of the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
with the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Airlangga Hartarto, there was reached an agreement to enhance inter-parliamentary cooperation. The State Duma has prepared and submitted a draft cooperation agreement to the Indonesian side for further approval.

“Our inter-parliamentary relations have great untapped potential,” noted Alexander Zhukov. He added that the State Duma “counts on a constructive dialogue with the new composition of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia”.

“It would be right to make our parliamentary relations regular and systemic, find new formats of cooperation, and enhance cooperation between relevant committees and parliamentary friendship groups,” added the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma.

The Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir also expressed hope that the meeting would contribute to further strengthening of inter-parliamentary relations between Russia and Indonesia.

“Russia is one of our strategic partners,” noted Adies Kadir.

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Meeting of First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov and Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov
Member of the Committee on International Affairs Roza Chemeris and First Deputy Chairman of the Committee Shamsail Saraliev
Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
Chairman of the Committee on Security and Corruption Control Vasily Piskarev and Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher Education Sergey Kabyshev
Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher Education Sergey Kabyshev and First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov
Meeting of First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov and Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Alexey Chepa
Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Sport and Physical Culture Dmitry Pirog
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Shamsail Saraliev and Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov and Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov
Member of the Committee on International Affairs Roza Chemeris and First Deputy Chairman of the Committee Shamsail Saraliev
Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
Chairman of the Committee on Security and Corruption Control Vasily Piskarev and Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher Education Sergey Kabyshev
Chairman of the Committee on Science and Higher Education Sergey Kabyshev and First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Alexey Chepa
Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Sport and Physical Culture Dmitry Pirog
First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Shamsail Saraliev and Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Alexander Zhukov and Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir
Deputy Chairman of the Commission on Law, Human Rights and Security of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Adies Kadir