Members of the State Duma called for an immediate end to the blockade of Cuba by the USA

“The policy of unilateral sanctions has proved to be completely ineffective. The practice of applying unilateral sanctions has proved to be wholly unable to restrain the peoples' genuine desire for freedom and independence,” as emphasizes the text of the appeal of the State Duma
plenary meeting voting

Members of the State Duma at the plenary meeting unanimously supported the adoption of the “Appeal of the State Duma to the United Nations General Assembly, parliaments of the United Nations member states, and international parliamentary organisations on the need to end the economic, trade and financial blockade of the Republic of Cuba by the United States of America”.

“There is no coincidence that we adopt this appeal today, because every year there are more and more supporters of such decision, as you can see. There are two countries left that did not support it. Since the sanctions and blockade were announced, Cuba has lost $159 billion. The United States of America has caused enormous damage to Cuba,” emphasized the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin Volodin Vyacheslav Victorovich Volodin
Vyacheslav Victorovich
The Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the eighth convocation. Elected in single mandate constituency № 163 (Saratov constituency - Saratov Oblast)
at the plenary meeting.

He noted that Russia had always stayed together with Cuba, and Cuba supported our country in the most difficult times. “Therefore, it would be right for us all to support the decision proposed by our colleague, because such unity should once again show everyone that we are on the right path. The world must be multipolar. And the sanctions that the United States of America imposed on Cuba will not lead to anything good. The USA will still have to pay the costs and damages to Cuba,” said the Chairman of the State Duma.

Members of the State Duma called for “an immediate and complete end to the economic, trade and financial blockade of the Republic of Cuba put in place by the leadership of the United States of America that has become a tool for inflicting multifaceted pressure and hardship on the Cuban people”.

See also

“The State Duma expresses its strong condemnation of the gross violation by the United States of America of the fundamental principles of international law that is clearly manifested in its systematic attempts to intimidate the Republic of Cuba, as well as numerous inhumane actions to deprive the Cuban people of the material resources necessary for decent living,” the document says.

“The policy of unilateral sanctions has proved to be completely ineffective. The practice of applying unilateral sanctions has proved to be wholly unable to restrain the peoples' genuine desire for freedom and independence. Such a policy only prolongs and multiplies the mental and physical suffering of the people while creating precedents of unacceptable pressure, intimidation and blackmail. This assessment applies to all regions of the world and fully applies particularly to the situation as relating to the Republic of Cuba,” stressed members of the State Duma.
