“The head of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, during the 5th Eastern Economic Forum actually outlined his views on the prospects for changing the format of the international discussion and expansion of the G7 by including not only our country but also such states as China, India, and Turkey. The key signal sent to foreign partners by our president is that Russia is open for cooperation in any format, but only on basis of mutual respect and taking into account the national interests of the parties,” said Sergei Zhelezniak
Sergei Vladimiroviсh
, member of the Committee on International Affairs.
The politician noted: “The Russian leader today made it clear that the current G7 participants should think about revising their positions taking into account the obvious global transformations and the shift of world development centers. It’s time for all Western partners to accept that they are not alone in the world and stop trying to dictate their terms to other countries, moreover, use the methods of illegal sanctions and unfair competition.”
The parliamentarian stressed: “Russia opens up new opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. This is especially important in conditions of economic tension in Western markets and the trade wars unleashed by the United States. The strategic directions for the development of the Far East, announced by the President of Russia during the EEF, designated the breakthrough points of the development of the region that could become a center of international cooperation and seriously strengthen the collective security system. The call to foreign investors to study the practices and tools that have been created and work in the region indicates the readiness of the country's leadership to comprehensively promote and support entrepreneurship. Foreign businessmen can be sure that the implementation of the program for the development of the Far Eastern territories will be ensured on equal terms for all participants, with appropriate tax benefits, while minimizing the administrative burden, simplifying customs and visa procedures, removing unnecessary barriers to trade, tariff policy, and freight sea, rail and passenger shipments.“
“The growing interest in cooperation with a reliable partner such as Russia is confirmed by the multilateral business agenda of the Forum, the representative level of delegations and the annual increase in the number of foreign participants.
The most important signal for the world community voiced by all the heads of state participating in the plenary session of the Forum is the desire to maintain peace and stability in the region, the willingness to work to improve the quality of life of citizens and openness to dialogue to solve any problems — from economic development and strengthening security to protecting the environment and expanding cultural exchanges,” the politician believes.